Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Post!

After long and careful deliberation, I have finally decided to start my own blog! I wasn't sure if I would have the time to make frequent updates, but I will definitely try to blog everyday.

A little bit about me:
- I am a huge product junkie and makeup addict. I think I've been this way since middle school, after a friend gave me my first lipgloss for Christmas!
- I am currently attending college in CA.
- I still don't know what to do with my life yet, and I wish I could say that this is because I'm just trying to relax and enjoy life or explore my options, but the reality is that I am a huge worrywart and I think about the big scary future all the time!

- I'm pretty much a lazy person who loves to sleep in and curl up with a book. Definitely not a morning person.
- I'm very computer illiterate, so forgive me for the boring-looking layout. I promise that this is something I will be improving later on.
- I love cats, especially Hello Kitty!

As of now, this blog is probably going to consist mainly of makeup reviews and maybe some haul pictures, but we'll see where things take me. I might even start making this a more personal blog, but who knows? Stay tuned for more!

~ RitaGrl

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